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Eugene, Oregon Juvenile Defense Lawyers

Eugene, Oregon Juvenile Defense Lawyers

Are you facing the juvenile justice system? If so it’s time to hire a qualified Eugene lawyer. At Veralrud and Fowler our law firm has years of experience handling juvenile cases. We can confidently provide you with a successful Eugene criminal defense lawyer. In the juvenile cases we handle, our clients often ask us the same initial questions. Below we have sought to answer them.

I’ve been given a juvenile court counselor. What are their responsibilities and how can they help me?

A Juvenile court counselor or JCC are the probation officers of the juvenile court system. However, they are vastly different compared to the parole officers of the adult criminal justice system. Juvenile court counselors have numerous responsibilities and functions. They primarily work with juveniles who have been convicted of crimes, are incarcerated, or up for parole. They are responsible for managing parole, providing counseling and ensuring that the juveniles under their care follow court orders. In some cases your juvenile court counselor will decide what charges you may face.

Having a juvenile court counselor is certainly helpful when entering the realm of juvenile justice. They, however, are not a replacement for a Eugene attorney and at Veralrud and Fowler we will gladly provide you with a qualified Eugene criminal defense lawyer to diligently defend you.

I was given an RAI? What is a RAI and what does it mean?

A RAI is a risk assessment instrument. This is given in order to determine the possible danger a juvenile is, the higher the score the greater a risk they deemed to be. A low RAI score will often persuade the judge to deal leniently with you because you are believed to be less likely to reoffend or run away if released.

The more serious the crime you are accused of the more points will be added to your RAI score. Failing to appear for court dates, having a warrant out for your arrest, and a prior criminal record will all add points to your RAI score. However, you will be able to have points subtracted for regular school attendance, employment and access to responsible adult supervision upon your release.

Navigating the realm of the juvenile justice system can be daunting. If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges as a juvenile it’s time to hire a Eugene criminal defense lawyer. At Veralrud and Fowler we can provide you with a qualified Eugene attorney to represent your unique case.

How will the judge determine if I can be released from juvenile detention?

There are several factors the judge will take into account in order to determine whether you are eligible for release. The judge will look more favorably on your release if you have a parent or guardian who is able to look after you and if you are likely to follow their rules. Your parent or guardian will be required to provide you a home with all the basic necessities and it must be free of abuse. If you have failed to appear for court dates, violated court orders, or are determined dangerous to the public it will be less likely for the judge to approve your release from juvenile detention. It will be the job of your Eugene lawyer to represent you in your juvenile detention hearing.

The juvenile justice system can be confusing and difficult to traverse. It is crucial to the success of your case to have a qualified Eugene criminal defense lawyer on your side. At Veralrud and Fowler we will gladly provide you with a skilled Eugene Oregon attorney to handle you case. The difference between a guilty and not guilty verdict can often lie in the hands of your Eugene criminal defense lawyer. Give Veralrud and Fowler a call today and be assured that you have a successful Eugene attorney fighting for you.

Related Links: Hiring a Eugene Criminal Attorney – Learn About Our Attorneys – Read Our Reviews


Are you facing the juvenile justice system? If so it’s time to hire a qualified Eugene lawyer.

At Veralrud and Fowler our law firm has years of experience handling juvenile cases. We can confidently provide you with a successful Eugene criminal defense lawyer.

In the juvenile cases we handle, our clients often ask us the same initial questions. Below we have sought to answer them.

I’ve been given a juvenile court counselor. What are their responsibilities and how can they help me?

A Juvenile court counselor or JCC are the probation officers of the juvenile court system.

However, they are vastly different compared to the parole officers of the adult criminal justice system.

Juvenile court counselors have numerous responsibilities and functions. They primarily work with juveniles who have been convicted of crimes, are incarcerated, or up for parole.

They are responsible for managing parole, providing counseling and ensuring that the juveniles under their care follow court orders.

In some cases your juvenile court counselor will decide what charges you may face.

Having a juvenile court counselor is certainly helpful when entering the realm of juvenile justice.

They, however, are not a replacement for a Eugene attorney and at Veralrud and Fowler we will gladly provide you with a qualified Eugene criminal defense lawyer to diligently defend you.

I was given an RAI? What is a RAI and what does it mean?

A RAI is a risk assessment instrument. This is given in order to determine the possible danger a juvenile is, the higher the score the greater a risk they deemed to be.

A low RAI score will often persuade the judge to deal leniently with you because you are believed to be less likely to reoffend or run away if released.

The more serious the crime you are accused of the more points will be added to your RAI score.

Failing to appear for court dates, having a warrant out for your arrest, and a prior criminal record will all add points to your RAI score.

However, you will be able to have points subtracted for regular school attendance, employment and access to responsible adult supervision upon your release.

Navigating the realm of the juvenile justice system can be daunting.

If you or a loved one is facing criminal charges as a juvenile it’s time to hire a Eugene criminal defense lawyer.

At Veralrud and Fowler we can provide you with a qualified Eugene attorney to represent your unique case.

How will the judge determine if I can be released from juvenile detention?

There are several factors the judge will take into account in order to determine whether you are eligible for release.

The judge will look more favorably on your release if you have a parent or guardian who is able to look after you and if you are likely to follow their rules.

Your parent or guardian will be required to provide you a home with all the basic necessities and it must be free of abuse.

If you have failed to appear for court dates, violated court orders, or are determined dangerous to the public it will be less likely for the judge to approve your release from juvenile detention.

It will be the job of your Eugene lawyer to represent you in your juvenile detention hearing.

The juvenile justice system can be confusing and difficult to traverse. It is crucial to the success of your case to have a qualified Eugene criminal defense lawyer on your side.

At Veralrud and Fowler we will gladly provide you with a skilled Eugene Oregon attorney to handle you case.

The difference between a guilty and not guilty verdict can often lie in the hands of your Eugene criminal defense lawyer.

Give Veralrud and Fowler a call today and be assured that you have a successful Eugene attorney fighting for you.

Related Links: Hiring a Eugene Criminal Attorney – Learn About Our Attorneys – Read Our Reviews




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