In the State of Oregon, every driver is required to carry liability car insurance. This requirement exists to guarantee appropriate compensation in the case of an accident.
Car accident liability insurance comes in two types, depending on the sort of damages an accident causes.
Property damage liability insurance covers damage to property. Every Oregon driver is required to carry $20,000 worth of property damage liability insurance.
Bodily injury liability insurance covers injuries a car accident might cause. Oregon bodily injury auto accident liability insurance coverage minimums are $25,000 per person and $50,000 total for all bodily injury inflicted upon others.
Most drivers carry more than this minimum coverage, and for good reason: anyone who has ever had to visit the hospital after a car accident is familiar with the staggering costs often involved.
Failure to carry adequate insurance coverage can result in exposure to lawsuits, as those pursuing damages attempt to fully recover the costs involved during recovery from a car accident.
In these cases especially, it is important to get the help of a Eugene-area personal injury lawyer. Only personal injury lawyers in Oregon have the experience in Oregon law you need to produce a successful outcome.
How can a Eugene, Oregon Personal Injury Lawyer Impact Your Car Accident Insurance Claim?
Job one of any personal injury attorney is recovering damages concurrent with the total damages resulting from a car accident. Medical bills are an obvious place to start, but for the lay person deciphering a medical bill can be nearly impossible.
Add into that the interaction between insurance companies, hospitals, specialists, doctors, physical therapies, and you end up with a situation only expert help can address.
All the big players involved in this process have lawyers and accountants of their own attempting to cut costs and corners whenever possible to spend the smallest-possible amount of money.
Without adequate compensation, the average car accident victim is at the total mercy of all these faceless financial entities.
In the midst of what is already a crisis, the added burden of dealing with insurance companies and hospital is often just too much.
Many car accident victims miss out on full compensation from their personal insurance car insurance claim because they were simply overwhelmed by the process.
Do not let this happen to you. A Eugene personal injury lawyer can take over all the complex negotiations involved in car accident insurance claims so you and your family have time and resources to recover.
Oregon Auto Attorneys Discuss Minor Collisions
When do you need to alert the police about your minor collision? It might seem like a simple question, but it can have a complex answers .
When you have been involved in a minor collision, it might be time to talk to an Oregon auto accident attorney who will tell you whether you need to report your minor collision to the police.
Using a professional attorney is the only way to be one hundred percent sure you are on the right side of the law.
Accident Lawyers Give Basic Advice
In Oregon, the DMV requires those involved in an accident to fill out an accident report all in auto accidents in which at least $1500 in damage to one or more vehicles occurs.
A DMV accident report must also be completed in cases where the accident causes injury or death. Furthermore, a law passed in 2010 requires calling law enforcement for assistance in any accident that triggers a DMV accident report.
Oregon auto accident lawyers recommend saving the number of a Eugene attorney like Veralrud and Fowler in your cell-phone contacts.
Trying to hunt for a lawyer in the midst of an auto accident adds stress to an already stressful situation. Nobody wants to be involved in an auto accident.
But if you are, be prepared. Save (541) 345-3333 under “Veralrud and Fowler” right now.
Calling the Police is a Good Idea
Some people are intimidated at the thought of calling the police.
There is good reason. Sometimes, people have less-than-positive interactions with law enforcement, especially when they are having the law enforced on them.
Today, with police misconduct dominating the headlines, those involved in an auto accident might hesitate: What if something goes wrong?
Well, Oregon auto accident lawyers will tell you that the benefits far outweigh the risks. The vast majority of law enforcement officers perform their job with moral and ethical excellence.
They do so even more reliably when you have the assistance of an Oregon auto accident lawyer like Veralrud and Fowler.
Don’t be afraid to call the police, and don’t hesitate to call an Oregon accident lawyer with any questions about how to handle the situation.
Good Reasons
If you need to file a lawsuit as the result of an auto accident, calling the police for assistance can be a great help.
Even if you have had an accident that you believe does not necessarily trigger a DMV accident report, you should still call the police in order to gather evidence and document the scene.
Sometimes, health damage from an auto accident might not show up for days, month, or even years. Having a police report on file documenting the extent of an accident is a major resource in an injury lawsuit later on.
Oregon Car Accident Lawyers - Always on Call
Just like there is never a bad time to call the police after an auto accident, there is no good reason not to call an Oregon auto accident lawyer as soon as possible.
In order to get whole, it is essential that all the consequences of an auto accident are clear. That’s why you need an auto accident lawyer like Veralrud and Fowler. Call them today. They are here to help.
Eugene Injury Lawyer – Rear-Ended in a Car Accident
A Eugene car accident can happen when you least expect it. One of the most common types of injury accident is “being rear-ended.”
A Eugene car accident attorney would tell you that being rear-ended can cause serious injuries and even death.
Because being rear-ended is almost always the other driver’s fault, the Injury lawyer you hire will be most concerned with securing damages and compensation commensurate with the severity of your injuries and the impact they have had on your life and the lives of others.
Eugene Car Accident Attorney
After you have been involved in an injury rear-ended accident, it is important you retain a personal injury lawyer in Eugene, Oregon as soon as possible.
Often, the insurance companies will attempt to dissuade you from hiring a Eugene personal injury attorney after your Eugene Auto accident.
Do not let them. Remember: insurance companies always seek to settle as soon as possible. Lawyers for car accident claims only complicate things for insurance companies.
Though they might express concern, know that without Eugene accident attorneys you will be essentially defenseless against the insurance companies. A Eugene car accident attorney will make sure that you file any lawsuit at the appropriate time.
A Eugene injury attorney will take care of you throughout the sometimes long and complicated claims process. When you have been in a Eugene car accident, call an injury lawyer immediately.
Rear-ended Car Accident Eugene Oregon
So, when can you be held liable for your car crash in Eugene, Oregon? Your accident attorney in Eugene will help you just in case you have acted negligently and partially caused a rear-ended accident.
How could this occur? Perhaps you rolled backwards down a hill because you stalled your manual transmission-equipped vehicle.
Perhaps you put the car in reverse when you thought you were in drive. Maybe you indicated for a turn that you then both failed to take and then slammed on your brakes midway through.
You Eugene car accident attorney will help you with understanding your possible liability in your Eugene car crash.
Though we all know maintaining a safe following distance is important, we all also know that sometimes even the most cautious driver can be caught off guard by a road hazard or experience malfunctioning brake lights.
Your Auto Accident Attorney Choice
When you have been in a Eugene auto accident, you need to contact an injury lawyer with all due haste. Minutes can make the difference between compensation that feeds and shelters your family and a different future entirely.
If your Eugene car accident involves being rear-ended, your Accident lawyerin Eugene is prepared to help you fight the insurance companies for the compensation you deserve. When you need one of the best Eugene car accident attorneys, you need to get ahold of Eugene Law Frim Veralrud and Fowler today.
They have the experience you need after your rear-ended Eugene car accident. Call Eugene attorneys Veralrud and Fowler today for a free consultation.
Personal Injury Accident Lawyers in Eugene, Oregon
When you need a Eugene, Oregon personal injury attorney after a car accident, call Veralrud and Fowler.
We will walk you through a free consultation where you can explore your options. Do not be a victim of the insurance process as well as a victim of a car accident.
Call Veralrud and Fowler today.