Are you facing charges of contempt in family court or considering filing for them? In either case you will require the aid of the most capable family lawyer Eugene can provide. At Veralrud and Fowler our family law lawyers in Eugene are well versed in the processes and procedures surrounding contempt. Below are the answers to the questions our clients most commonly ask us concerning contempt in family court.
What is contempt in family court?
In family court contempt is defined as the deliberate noncompliance with a court order. A common example of this would be the refusal to pay child support. If a court order there is a court order for one parent to pay child support and they refuse to do so they can be found in contempt. The other parent will need to file a motion for contempt to be found and then appear for a hearing.
If you are seeking to file for contempt of court it’s time to hire the most experienced family lawyer Eugene has to offer. At Veralrud and Fowler we can provide you with one of the most qualified family lawyers in Eugene.
What are the consequences when found guilty of contempt in family court in Eugene?
The consequences faced when being found in contempt are dependent upon the court order that has been violated. However, there are some common consequences that a person may face when found in contempt in family court. The courts may:
- Fine the guilty party for every day of contempt not to exceed $2,000.
- File an additional court order in order to bring the guilty party into compliance with the first court order.
- Require that any losses, such as attorney’s fees, of the injured party be paid for by the one in contempt.
- Imprison the party found in contempt. This is a last result and is usually only used when contempt has occurred repeatedly or for an extended period of time.
The purpose of contempt is to bring the guilty party into alignment with the court order they are in violation of. Additional requirements may be added such as counseling, parenting classes or parenting plan modifications in order to help prevent future occurrences of contempt.
Contempt of court can be a trying experience whether you are filing for it or accused of it. In either case it’s time to hire the most qualified family lawyer Eugene has to offer. At Veralrud and Fowler our family law lawyers in Eugene are experienced at successfully handling cases involving contempt charges.
What is the process of contempt in family court in Oregon?
The first step needed is filing a motion for contempt of court. In order for this to occur a previous court order must be in existence and the motion for contempt will be added to that order if it is in violation. Once the motion has been received a hearing date will be set where you and the person you are filing the motion against will be required to attend.
Papers with the hearing date will then be sent to the guilty party. Once the hearing has occurred it is up to the judge whether contempt will be set, and if so, what consequences will go along with the charge. Having a qualified family law lawyer in Eugene handling your case, no matter the side of the contempt charge you are on, is invaluable in this process.
Contempt in family court is a serious and sometimes costly matter. Whether you are facing these charges of filing for them it’s time to hire the best family lawyer Eugene has to offer. At Veralrud and Fowler we are well versed in family law including contempt. Hire us and gain a qualified family law lawyer in Eugene.
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